Below is a list of fundraising events that we have arranged, we are attending, or that have been externally organised in aid of Crowborough Community First Responders
Quiz Night
Join Dawn and the Team at the Bricklayers Arms. Entry is £4 per person. All funds raised will go into the Bill Stephen Memorial Fund and help fund Public Access Defibrillators in our communities. Please call 01892 668786 to book a table
Charity Car Wash
Come along to get your car washed whilst helping raising money for our volunteers and their work in our communities. For every £20 service, our friends at Crystal Car Wash will donate £5. There is also a chance to meet and chat with one of our team and don’t forget to bring any spare change for the collection bucket!
Health & Wellbeing Fair
Come and visit our stand at the Health & Wellbeing Fair at Crowborough Community Centre. Find out information about how we serve the community, learn how to perform CPR and use a defibrillator or just come a meet some of the team.
Annual Black Tie Event 2024
** Tickets sales close on 15 September 2024 **
Join us for our 7th Annual Black Tie Event & 10th Anniversary Celebration
Charity Car Wash
Come along to get your car washed whilst helping raising money for our volunteers and their work in our communities. For every £20 service, our friends at Crystal Car Wash will donate £5. There is also a chance to meet and chat with one of our team and don’t forget to bring any spare change for the collection bucket!
Charity Car Wash
Come along to get your car washed whilst helping raising money for our volunteers and their work in our communities. For every £20 service, our friends at Crystal Car Wash will donate £5. There is also a chance to meet and chat with one of our team and don’t forget to bring any spare change for the collection bucket!
If you are interested in joining our volunteer fundraising team, please do get in touch with our team via this website